Learn how to create TypeScript typings for existing React components to enhance type safety and improve development experience. This article covers adding typings to an open-source project and creating internal type definition files for components used in your project. Start using TypeScript with confidence!

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Generics in TypeScript might seem unfamiliar, but they offer powerful capabilities. This article provides examples to demystify generics, from basic syntax to leveraging type inference and using constraints. Learn how to enhance code flexibility and type safety with generics in TypeScript.

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How to stub promises using Sinon.JS

Feb 29, 2016 2 min read

Testing asynchronous code with promises can be challenging, but Sinon.JS comes to the rescue with its handy package, sinon-stub-promise. Learn how to effortlessly stub promises in your tests, ensuring smooth testing workflows. Plus, discover the bonus plugin, karma-sinon-stub-promise, for seamless integration with Karma test runner.

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Discover the power of running tests in parallel with NUnit 3. Learn how to enable and configure parallel execution for faster and more efficient testing. Explore the different parallel execution options and witness significant time improvements in your test runs. Upgrade your testing game today!

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Feeling overwhelmed by the constant influx of new technologies? Discover practical tips to stay up-to-date without drowning in information overload. Learn how to organize bookmarks, take notes, save articles for later, leverage podcasts and blogs, utilize Twitter, and automate with IFTTT. Stay informed and make the most of your spare moments!

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