Talking about ES2015: classes

Sep 2, 2015 5 min read

Dive into the world of ES2015 classes and discover how they simplify object-oriented JavaScript. From defining classes and constructors to adding methods, getters/setters, and static methods, this article covers it all. Plus, explore class inheritance and the essential use of the "super" keyword.

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Talking about ES2015: strings

Aug 25, 2015 2 min read

Discover the new string features in ES2015 that make your code cleaner and more powerful. Learn about methods like "repeat," "includes," "startsWith," and "endsWith," which provide efficient string manipulation. Plus, explore the flexibility of template literals for multiline strings and expression interpolation.

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Talking about ES2015: destructuring

Aug 19, 2015 16 min read

Learn the powerful art of destructuring in ES2015. Discover how to assign values from arrays and objects to variables, swap values effortlessly, set default values, and even initialize function parameters elegantly. Explore the versatility of destructuring in for...of loops for efficient iteration.

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Discover the power of the let and const keywords in ES2015. Learn how let introduces block scope variables, preventing access outside their scope, while const declares constants with unchangeable values. Explore the differences between var and let, and master the art of scoping in JavaScript.

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Discover the latest news on JavaScript as TC39 Committee introduces EcmaScript 2015 (ES2015), marking a shift toward yearly releases of new language versions. Explore browser support and the use of transpilers like Babel to start utilizing ES2015 features today. Level up your JavaScript development with ES2015!

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